[Ansteorra-announce] Rosenfeld - May Day Demo

Patrickandjulia at aol.com Patrickandjulia at aol.com
Wed May 9 12:01:26 PDT 2007

Greetings All,
Rosenfeld had a smashing success in our annual May Day Demo and SCA  Birthday 
Celebration this past Sunday at Bergfeld Park in the middle of  Tyler.  We 
had period encampment displays, three large pavilions full of  A&S displays, 
chain mail and weaving/spinning demonstrations, strolling  bards, children's 
activities, lots of fighting (both chivalric and rapier), and  of course hot dogs 
and birthday cake.  We would like to send out a special  thanks to the friends 
and neighbors from Steppes, Elfsea, Graywood, and Glaslyn  who came to help 
with this event.  We appreciate you all and hope that you  may have taken home 
with you a bit of what the SCA is in Rosenfeld.
Thank you all once again from;
The Shire of Rosenfeld

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