[Ansteorra-announce] Archery -Steppes Warlord

DonnelShaw at aol.com DonnelShaw at aol.com
Sat May 12 14:30:35 PDT 2007

This coming Memorial Day Weekend will be Steppes Warlord with  the various 
archery event to thrill and entertain you. 
There will be a Novice Bowman's Archery Shoot on Saturday after court.  If 
you are new to archery or have a royal round score of Bowman or less  and not 
have won an archery tournament you are eligible to shoot in this  tournament. 
Crossbows are welcome but may not compete for the prize. The prize  is a long 
bow for the third year in a row was donated by HL Jacque the Spinks  and Kees 
traditions.  Please make sure you thank these people for thier  continuded 
support of the archery community. 
A childrens Archery Shoot will be 8:30am on Sunday. Please understand that  
only children with thier parents present will be allowed to shoot archery. No  
exceptions. This is a safety issue. 
Steppes Archery Champion Shoot will occur on Sunday after court. Lord Alvin  
is up to his devious tricks so be prepared. 
Lord Alvin de  Clairmont 
Steppes  Archery Marshal

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