[Ansteorra-announce] Fwd: [SENESCHAL] Please Forward re: Pennsic

Duchess Julia seneschal at ansteorra.org
Fri May 18 08:21:59 PDT 2007

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Lisa Czudnochowsky <czudno at rogers.com>
Date: May 18, 2007 10:14 AM
Subject: [SENESCHAL] Please Forward re: Pennsic
To: sca-seneschal at midrealm.org

Please forward the following missive to kingdom email
lists, and any other SCA email lists as appropriate.

An updated electronic copy of the Pre-Pennsic
Booklet is now available in PDF format at:

This booklet contains updated internet links
for a number of the Pennsic departments. Please
follow the links in this updated booklet rather
than the print edition for ease of locating

Also, please note that some people may have
received the booklet after the deadline for
mailed-in pre-registrations had passed. Please
accept our apologies for these mailing delays,
and ignore the pre-registration form that is
included with the booklet. Pre-registrations
may still be done online, however, until
June 15 at http://www.cooperslake.com/prereg36.php

Please feel free to pass this missive and/or the
electronic version of the Pre-Pennsic Booklet
along to any and all who are interested.

See you at the Pennsic War!

In service,
Duchess Marion FitzWilliam,
Deputy Mayor for Pennsic Information Services

| To: sca-seneschal | From: Lisa Czudnochowsky <czudno at rogers.com>
| Mailing list for the Kingdom and Deputy Seneschals of the SCA
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