[Ansteorra-announce] Melees for Rapier at Warlord!

Sean Hertzberg colsith at gmail.com
Thu May 24 12:05:27 PDT 2007

Greetings to Ansterorra!

Due to work and sick and time and money and all of those nasty mundane
things, I will be unable to make it to Warlord this weekend (yes, I
know, you are all heartbroken).

However, do not despair!  Her Royal Majesties Champion, Don Pieter has
graciously offered to run the melees in my absence.  So come one, come
all!  Fight, learn, have fun!  Beat Piet up (he deserves it, right?)!

Looking at the schedule, rapier melees will start Saturday morning at
11 am.  Come on out and have a good time!  Also, for the non-WS rapier
fighters, don't forget that HRH Ebigardis will be having her
Princesses Tea at 2 that afternoon.

In service to Crown and Kingdom, even if a bit sickie,
Don Avery Shaw
Rapier General, Ansteorra

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