[Ansteorra-announce] [Announcements] President's Report for the October 2008 meeting
Patrick Anderson
president at sca.org
Tue Nov 4 08:38:38 PST 2008
This is the President's report of the actions taken at the SCA Inc.'s
most recent Board of Directors meeting, held October 18, 2008 in
Halifax, Nova Scotia, in the Kingdom of the East.
This material may be freely distributed, and those receiving it are
strongly encouraged to share this information with the general
membership. Permission is hereby granted to reprint all or part of this
report in Kingdom, Principality, and local newsletters. It is requested
that the source of the information be identified as “from the
President's Report of the October 2008 Board meeting” and that, as far
as possible, exact quotes be used. Please note that this report is NOT
the official Minutes of the Board meeting. In case of any discrepancy
between this document and the approved Minutes, the Minutes are binding.
Any inaccuracies in reporting contained herein are my own.
Subscriptions to the Board Minutes are available from the SCA Inc. A
subscription includes this report in addition to the Minutes approved at
the meeting. Past approved Minutes are also available on the SCA web
site (http://www.sca.org/).
The next Board of Directors meeting will be held on January 24, 2009, in
Omaha, Nebraska, in the Kingdom of Calontir. The deadline for submission
of agenda items is January 1, 2009. Please send hard-copies of any
agenda items to Renee Signorotti at the SCA, Inc. corporate office by
that date.
Respectfully submitted,
Patrick Anderson
President, SCA Inc.
Society Webminister Separation
The Board of Directors, at the request of the Society Chronicler and
Society Webminister, approved the following changes to Corpora and the
Chronicler’s Policies. This proposal is designed to spin off the
Society Web Minister’s office as a deputy of the Society Chronicler into
a separate and autonomous office reporting to the President of the
1. Corpora VI - Society Officers
a. Amend Section F. Chronicler of the Society
The Chronicler is responsible for overseeing the production of kingdom newsletters, local branch newsletter, kingdom and local branch websites, and any other publication the Board may designate. In additions, the Chronicler establishes overall policies for Society-sponsored event and branch-related paper publishing at all levels, and services as a source of publishing expertise and advice for the benefit of the Society.
The Chronicler is responsible for overseeing the production of kingdom newsletters, local branch newsletter, and any other publication the Board may designate. In additions, the Chronicler establishes overall policies for Society-sponsored event and branch-related paper publishing at all levels, and services as a source of publishing expertise and advice for the benefit of the Society.
Renumber sections if or as required.
b. Add Section: I. Web Minister of the Society
The Web Minister is responsible for overseeing the websites of kingdoms, local branches, and any other web site the Board may designate. In additions, the Web Minister serves as a source of web publishing expertise and advice for the benefit of the Society.
Renumber sections if or as required.
2. Corpora VII – Kingdom, Principality and Local Officers
Each Kingdom’s Great Officer corps must include the Seneschal, the Principal Herald, the Earl Marshal, the Minister of Arts and Sciences, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, the Chronicler, and the Chirurgeon.
Each Kingdom’s Great Officer corps must include the Seneschal, the Principal Herald, the Earl Marshal, the Minister of Arts and Sciences, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, the Chronicler, Webminister and the Chirurgeon.
Renumber sections if or as required.
J.I. The Webminister
The Webminister supervises all web-publishing activities of the kingdom, and is the editor or supervises the editor of the kingdom website, which is responsible for maintaining a professional public face to the world. The Webminister is also responsible for ensuring all local branch websites meet the standards set forth by the Society Webminister.
3. Change in Chronicler’s Policy
a. Requested changes - D. Electronic Publications
b. All mention of Webminister, web policies and any other internet relateditems shall be stricken.
c. Add:
2. Chain of Command
a. Society Level
Direct report to the President.
b. Kingdom Level
Kingdom webministers will report directly to their Crown and the Society Webminister.
After receiving commentary, the Board has determined that the wording
sent out for comment indicated that the Webminister may not be
automatically considered a great officer of state, reporting. The Board
will be discussing this inadvertent change in wording.
Marshal’s Handbook
The Board approved the new Marshal’s Handbook.
President - Patrick Anderson (Gabriel andvaka Kjotvason)
Requests for Board action:
1. The Board approved the following change to Corpora to be effective January 1, 2009: The activity of providing beverages to combatants and spectators at SCA Combat activities is not regulated, warranted, organized, controlled, or sanctioned by the SCA, Inc. or any affiliate or subsidiary entity. Any warrants, authorizations, or other formal recognition of this activity which may currently exist are by publication of this change revoked. This change does not address or restrict any volunteer activities regarding providing beverages to combatants or spectators at SCA Combat activities nor the methods by which such provisions may be made. This does not preclude or effect SCA award recognition."
2. The Board approved the following addition to the Corporate Policies of the SCA, Inc. to be effective not later than January 1, 2009: "Only the President of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc., has the ability to retain legal counsel (attorney, barrister, solicitor, et. al.), whether paid or unpaid (pro bono) on behalf of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. or any of its branches. No other officer, at any level of governance of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. has the authority to retain (even pro bono) legal counsel (attorney, barrister, solicitor, et. al.) to advise or represent the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. or any branch, without prior written authorization and confirmation of the retention of such counsel from the President",
Shawn Reed steps down as a director at this meeting. I would like to
thank her for both her service to the Board and her cogent calm comments
on many things over the years. I do appreciate everything she’s done to
help the SCA.
I would also commend Lisa Mohr. For many years, Lisa has been providing
sage advice to many, and recently she’s been added to my list of people
I feel comfortable emailing or calling at a moment’s notice to ask
questions of. I thank her for helping me.
Publishable summary:
While there have been a number of issues making this quarter rather more
festive than usual, the SCA, Inc. continues to move forward into the
future, while remembering and re-creating the past. It continues to be a
good place for people to come and spend time with each other.
Vice President of Operations (Society Seneschal) - George Reed (Aaron
faheud Swiftrunner of the Stone Keep)
Policy Interpretations:
1. It was asked whether private gatherings, such as Chivalry Retreats be granted SCA Insurance coverage and/or treatment similar to events. The response was no. A function specifically closed, in its entirety, to all but a small section of the membership, is not in any way an SCA function. SCA money may not be used to support such a gathering. SCA Insurance does not cover any damage to sites or persons at said function. The Volunteer Protection Act does not apply at said functions. This is a repeat ruling, following one made in January of 2007, which was upheld by the Board at their Quarterly meeting in San Diego.
By consensus Acting Chairman Marilee Lloyd ordered that no action be
taken as this is a policy that has been repeatedly upheld. The policy
Shawn Reed, departing Director. Director Reed not only has a brilliant
last name, but she has been the voice of reason, calm analysis, and
thorough attention to process that you want on any Board of Directors.
We have been thrice blessed to have her on as part of the team, and I
cannot count the number of times that her perceptive questions have
illuminated critical facts that might otherwise have gone neglected. I
wish Director Reed the warmest wishes for all her future endeavors, and
I’ll miss her terribly.
Publishable Summary:
I want to thank all of the SCA folks who keep finding ways to have fun,
stay off Wife-Swap and CNN, spread good wishes, aid their fellows in
need, and somehow fill the gas-tank (one credit application at a time)
to support neighboring events. We are learning to play the game a bit
differently in order to thrive in a changing world. The Known world
bade farewell this quarter to some amazing souls, not least of which
were Sir Ardral Argo Ver Kaeysc, the first Knight of the Society, and
Duke Sir Morguhn Sheridan—who was long a symbol of accomplishment,
encouragement, and generosity in AEthelmearc. Take some time to reach
out to friends and loved ones, and make sure they know you care.
Vice President of Corporate Operations - Renee Signorotti
I'd like to thank Shawn Reed for her dedication to the betterment of the
SCA over the last three years as a Board member. She has been a driving
force in making sure that every person is well-represented, not just the
most vocal member. Her kindness is most appreciated.
Publishable Summary:
A new five year office lease has been signed. The term is from October
1, 2008 through September 30, 2013, and realizes the SCA a savings of
$8,244.00 the first year alone ($687.00 less per month). The online
waiver portal is expected to be released any day now. The Corporate
Staff will be doing the happy dance on that day. We fully expect to see
a marked savings in the postage and printing of white membership cards.
Tournaments Illuminated - Dori Andrepont (Doria Tecla)
In particular, many thanks are extended to Michael Harvey, outgoing Art
Director, for his efforts in the redesign and production of Tournaments
Illuminated for the past six issues. Thanks to our regular staff to
comment for their efforts are R.G.L. MacGregor, Dan Berger, and Karen
Harris with the new additions of Ellen Rawson and Meg Baron ably adding
both their time and expertise. Additionally, photographer Kelli
Thompson is thanked as well for her efforts to provide high-quality
photographs on short notice. Once again, Marla Lecin worked quickly to
update the TI portion of the website when information was missing after
the conversion, as well as updating specific areas. Finally, and as
always, Patrick Anderson and Renee Signorotti are thanked for their
advice and quick responses to keep TI on track.
Publishable summary:
Tournaments Illuminated is now in production of issue 169, first
quarter, 2009, with Quest Article themes and Guest Editors selected for
the entire 2009 year. Beyond earlier issue planning, we have placed a
higher emphasis in supplying current issue-specific information on the
website for both readers and potential contributors.
Compleat Anachronist - - Rae L. Hadley (Towen ferch Grufudd Aur)
I want to thank my staff: Joyce Morris, Monica Spence, Elaine Koogler,
Renata Fossett, Carolyn Holliss and Jennifer Heise. These people are
all inspirations to me.
Publishable summary:
Upcoming Issues:
CA#140: The Basic Craft of Turnshoes by John Frazier. This issue
covers pattern making, assembly and sewing, finishing and closures of
turnshoes. Third Quarter 2008 issue.
CA#141: The History of Mead, by Elspeth Payne. This issue reviews the
mythology of various cultures related to the making, serving, and
drinking of mead. Fourth Quarter 2008 issue.
CA#142: St. John's Day, by Kerri Morin. This issue looks at the St.
John's Day Celebrations in Renaissance Florence. First Quarter 2008
Treasurer - Mazelle Attiya (Alysia Gabrielle de Fougeres)
I would like to thank Renee Signorotti and Patrick Anderson for
answering the many questions I have and not getting tired of me asking
lots more
Publishable summary:
The SCA is financially stable. The IRS Form 990 has now been filed. An
updated Corporate Resolution will be available on the Society
Exchequer’s website.
Society Exchequer - Mazelle Attiya (Alysia Gabrielle de Fougeres)
I would like to thank Angela Huddleston (Lady Lasairfhiona inghean ui
Sheachnasaigh) for her patience and understanding for listening to me
while I vent from time to time.
Publishable summary:
NMS 2007 Events CURRENT TOTAL: $143,027.47 with approximately 84%
(1114/1248) known 2007 events reported as of July 1, 2008. NMS 2008
Events CURRENT TOTAL: $41,042.87 with approximately 55% (334/609) known
events reported as of July 1, 2008.
Society Chronicler -Tim White (Otto von Schwyz)
The Society Chronicler commends the outgoing Chronicler of Caid,
Christiaen de Groote (Kristin Williams).
Publishable summary:
The Society Chronicler reported that all newsletters are running
smoothly. Winners for the Master William Blackfox Awards were announced
and the awards have been mailed to the winners. They are as follows:
Best Overall Newsletter: Harpsong from the Shire of Glyn Dwfn, Kingdom
of An Tir. Lady Maddelena di Riccardo Strozzi, Chronicler.
Best Layout and Design: Il Tempo, Barony of Ponte Alto, Kingdom of
Atlantia. Lady Wulfwyn Aelfwines dohtor, Chronicler.
Best Artwork: Emblem LXXXVII page 9 by Lord Jon Thomme de Claydon in
The Tydes, Barony of Lyondemere, Kingdom of Caid.
Best Special Issue: The Tosspot, "Honoring THLord Sean ui Neil the
Staffmater", Barony of Unser Hafen, Kingdom of the Outlands. Lord
Robert Spenser of Bristol, Chronicler.
Best Special Interest Newsletter: From the Skin Out, Costumer's Guild
of An Tir, THLady Julia Sempronia, Chronicler.
Best Regular Feature: "Pun-ishment" by Lord Kilian MacRaith in
Greywinds, Shire of Graywood, Kingdom of Ansteorra.
Best Article: "A Stitch in Time?" by Brighid ingheam Conchobhair ui
Neill in Castlelore, Shire of Castlemere, Kingdom of Trimaris.
Best Poetry or Short Fiction: "Montaigne du Roi" by Branwen Cryccthegn
Deorewuda in The Darkwood Drum, Barony of Darkwood, West Kingdom.
Laurel Sovereign of Arms - Amy Kennedy-Butler (Olwynn ni Chinneidigh)
The Shire of Thamesreach in the Kingdom of Drachenwald hosted KWHSS this
year, and did a fantastic job. They are a small group who went out of
their way to put together a wonderful symposium, complete with a variety
of tours, including a tour and reception at the College of Arms in
London. These people worked hard, worried about loosing people on the
underground or having people hit by cars because they looked the wrong
way at street crossings, and put together a wonderful event. The
hospitality that they showed all of us was a credit to themselves and to
their Kingdom. I would particulary like to thank Genevieve la flechiere,
the Event Steward, who did a fantastic job, and Edith of Hedingham,
Reservations Clerk and Tour Guide, who donated her time and expertise on
the City of London to finding and taking us to places that we could have
never found on our own.
Publishable summary: None.
Marshal - Kevin Roderick (Hrothgar Monomakh)
THL Siegfried (CA deputy) for his help in compiling the CA inclusion
into the new handbook and dealing with the interface between the CA
community and the greater marshalate.
Publishable summary:
This quarter has been quite busy for marshal activity in all areas as
well as within the marshalate in general. In most Kingdoms this is one
of the busiest times for martial activities and the quarter has gone
well with few injuries and problems. This quarter the long awaited
revision of combat archery rules has been proposed to the Board of
Directors, included within a revision of the Marshal’s Handbook, which
includes other minor revisions.
Minister of Arts and Sciences - Tim Jennings (Garraed Galbraith)
Publishable summary:
A particularly bad report period but I have to assume issues on my end
have made it difficult for officers to get me reports. This may be
generous. I will be following up for certain and expect all reports may
well be in hand prior to the Board meeting in two weeks. An update will
Society Chirurgeon - Marcia Schlemm (Katrei Grunenberg)
Thank you to George Reed (Aaron Swiftrunner) for his willingness to read
and comment. You have been a great help.
Thank you to Angelia Myers (Aingeal Mac an Ghabhann) for sharing her
knowledge of water safety regulations. Thanks for being available at
all hours. I appreciate the generous gift of your time during the past
6 months.
Thanks also to the crew of North West EMS. It is always good to see
your faces, even when you’re not eating BBQ.
Publishable summary:
The chirurgeonate continues to have slow growth in numbers. This
quarter had some bumpy places as some reactions to the President’s
proposal on waterbearing were unnecessarily vehement.
Society Marshal Job Applications
Motion by Aaron Lloyd to extend the warrant of Kevin Roderick (Hrothgar
Monomakh) until the conclusion of the November 17, 2008 conference call
meeting. Seconded by Heather English. In favor: Heather English, Erik
Langhans, Aaron Lloyd, Marilee Lloyd, Shawn Reed, Mitchell Steck.
Opposed: None. Motion carried.
Motion by Shawn Reed to appoint Paul Newton (Omarad the Wary) to the
position of Society Marshal-Elect effective immediately. Seconded by
Aaron Lloyd. In favor: Heather English, Erik Langhans, Aaron Lloyd,
Marilee Lloyd, Shawn Reed, Mitchell Steck. Opposed: None. Motion
Virginia Morgan (Gwenhwyfaer ferch Gwilym ap Morgan) Administrative
Motion by Erik Langhans to uphold the administrative sanction imposed
upon Virginia Morgan (Gwenhwyfaer ferch Gwilym ap Morgan) imposed by the
Society Exchequer on August 24, 2008 and to further direct that Ms.
Morgan be banned from holding any offices with financial responsibility
for a period of five (5) years, at which point Ms. Morgan may apply to
have her privileges restored. Seconded by Shawn Reed. In favor:
Heather English, Erik Langhans, Marilee Lloyd, Shawn Reed, Mitchell
Steck. Recused: Aaron Lloyd. Opposed: None. Motion carried.
Scott Pavelle (Brion Enkazi) Appeal
Motion by Heather English to deny the appeal of Scott Pavelle (Brion
Enkazi). Seconded by Aaron Lloyd. In favor: Heather English, Aaron
Lloyd, Marilee Lloyd, Shawn Reed, Mitchell Steck.
Recused: Erik Langhans. Opposed: None. Motion carried.
Chief Technology Officer Applicants
Motion by Shawn Reed to appoint Robert Ferrell (Cynric of Bedwyn) to the
position of Chief Technology Officer, for the standard three (3) year
period and subject to the standard probationary period, effective at the
conclusion of the January quarterly meeting. Seconded by Heather
English. In favor: Heather English, Erik Langhans, Aaron Lloyd, Marilee
Lloyd, Shawn Reed, Mitchell Steck. Opposed: None. Motion carried.
Ombudsman Assignments
Acting Chairman Marilee Lloyd ordered the following Ombudsman
assignments effective as of the end of the October 18, 2008 quarterly
Board meeting.
Hal Simon President, Society Seneschal, Corporate Office, Legal Committee, Executive Assistant
Heather English Financial, Artemisia, Atenveldt, Atlantia
Erik Langhans Æthelmearc, East, Middle, Publications
Aaron Lloyd Marshal, Caid, Lochac, Heralds,
Information Technology
Marilee Lloyd Northshield, West, Grand Council,
Ealdormere, Recruiting
Kim McAuley An Tir, Calontir, Outlands, Chirurgeon,
Arts & Sciences
Mitchell Steck Ansteorra, Drachenwald, Gleann Abhann,
Meridies, Trimaris
Patrick Anderson
Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.
president at sca.org
Comments are strongly encouraged and can be sent to:
SCA Inc.
Box 360789
Milpitas, CA 95036
You may also email comments at lists.sca.org.
This announcement is an official informational release by the Society for Creative Anachronism , Inc. Permission is granted to reproduce this announcement in its entirety in newsletters, websites and electronic mailing lists.
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