[Ansteorra-announce] Northkeep Baronial Investiture at Harvest of the Axe

Jerry Herring j.t.herring at sbcglobal.net
Mon Oct 12 06:57:42 PDT 2009

Greetings One and all,
On Saturday October 31st at the Will Rogers Scout ranch in Cleveland Oklahoma the Northern region of this Mighty Kingdom shall come together to celebrate the season and woul divite one and all from all across the lands to an event hosted by two of the finest Cantons of the North; Chemin Noir and Skorragardr. 

This event is proud to welcome both Their Majesties Ansteorra and Their Highnesses. The Harvest of the Axe will serve as the very first crown visit for Chemin Noir. As you may have read this event will also serve as the location for the stepping down of Ian and Kelandra as the Baron and Baroness of Northkeep and the installation of new the Baronial personages Keigan and Facon. 

Harvest of the Axe promises to be a very fun time for adults and children of all ages. There will be all your favorite SCA competitions each with their own holiday flavor put on them. Tournaments for both Armored Combat and Rapier Combat, with the possibility of some Youth Boffer. As this is the harvest of the Axe fighters are encouraged to bring your axes, regardless of the size or shape. There will be an archery competition hosted by some of the top scoring marksmen in the kingdom, and there will be very scary and entertaining fireside bardic. With a host of Holiday related activites such as mask making, pumpkin carving, and that night a good old fasion halloween costume party this event promises great fun for all. So that they do not miss out on the tricks and treats of the holiday there will be plenty of candy and treats for the kiddies. There may even be a costume competition. Those who best represent the event theme which is Heroes verses Monsters
 might win some very awesome prizes.The hall will have both fireplaces blazing so do not fear the brisk
fall weather come on out on the All Hallows holliday and share in the
season in good company among good people, at a very special event.

On a more personal side of this shamless plug...as this is the very last court of Kelandra and Ian we would very much like to share the ocassion with everyone who has made our time as the Baron and Baroness of Northkeep such a magical and wonderful exeperience. Each of you out there who took the time to get to know us have enrichened our lives so much and we would love one last chance to be able as Baron and Baroness of Northkeep to give a little of that back with our hosptiality and friendship.

Ian Dun Gillan
Baron of Northkeep
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