[Ansteorra-announce] Queens Champion Field Pavilions Space reservations (please forward)

dominic barranco wookiematsu at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 7 17:31:33 PDT 2010


 2050 golden triangle blvd, ft worth tx 76177. Check the online
kingdom calendar for the event website and further details as they
become available.

As we are limited on space for pavilions around the list field, I have
been asked to coordinate the field pavilions for the event. If you are
interested in having a reserved spot on the list field for your
pavilion, please send me the dimensions (with and without ropes) and
type of pavilion (period or mundane). Period pavilions will be given
preferential placement.

My contact info is:

Damon Xanthus
wookiematsu at yahoo.com

I will send a confirmation email, as quickly as a possible.

In service,

Greetings Ansteorra!

The Canton of Glaslyn has been honored with hosting the Queens
Champion tournament for Queen Gilyan on May 22. The tournament will be
held in Denton, TX at the Transport Workers Union Hall at

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