[Ansteorra-announce] Children's Activities at Kingdom A & S

Liz Wilson ewilson618 at tx.rr.com
Wed Feb 10 06:33:43 PST 2010

I just wanted to remind everyone that we are planning some children's
activities at Kingdom A & S.  Right now activities will run from 12:30 pm
to approximately 4:30 pm.  After the children (ages 5-12) sign in, Don Alaric will be
teaching a short class on the history and evolution of swords and weapons in Europe.
This promises to be a fascinating class for all, and adults are also welcome
to attend.  We won't have a private room for this class so it will probably be
in either the main hall or, if it is warm enough, outside so that we can all
hear better.  Many thanks in advance  to Don Alaric for volunteering to teach
 this class and for bringing some of his extensive sword collection.

We will NOT be taking an official tour of the fish hatchery.  However, I
will be taking my own two daughters  independently at approximately 11 am.  There
is a dive show at 11 am and at 2 pm and I believe there is a reduced rate
for SCA members and their children of $2.50 per person to attend the show and
tour the facilities.  This is not going to be a formal MOC activity, 
but it is available if you wish to take your
children independently for this reduced fee.  I believe there are also exhibits, 
a tram, etc. that they can ride.  They can learn about the fish of Ansteorra!!
Fishing is also available there as well; don't have the details.  Mistress Rhiannon
probably knows more about this and there is information on the Texas
Freshwater Fish Hatcheries website of course.

Parents should sign in their children and have a badge on the children.  However,
I would appreciate it if at this event parents would be responsible for taking their
own children to the restroom as well as feeding them!  ( I am not providing any
food).  My deputy is unable to attend this event due to
a family commitment, and I will need to stay with the main group in the main hall, etc. at
all times.  In case there are no other volunteers, it is my understanding that I need to be
 within 10 feet or so of other adults at all times so as to comply with Society rules.

Additional volunteers are more than welcome, and if you have children under 5
your child may also participate, as long as a parent or guardian stays with the
child.  Teens 13 and up may also come and go as they please at the children's area, and
may help out or do the activities, or both. We should
have some games and other activities similar to those at Twelfth Night. 
We may also go outside for some games, weather permitting.

  Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Christianna inghean Fearghus

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