[Ansteorra-announce] Youth combat at Namron Protectorate

Katherine A. Herndon bka28252 at nerdshack.com
Fri Oct 7 11:55:35 PDT 2011

Good gentles all, I bid you greetings on this splendid autumn day!

There will be a youth combat tournament at Namron Protectorate  
tomorrow afternoon.  Armor inspection will begin at 12:30 p.m., and  
the tournament will commence at 1:00 p.m.  The format will be a Swiss  
3 (single sword, sword & shield, and Florentine) so bring all your  
weapons.  A fourth round (two-handed or hand-and-a-half sword) may be  
added if there are sufficient participants.  The winner will receive  
the honor of being the first youth champion of the Barony of Namron  
(and will receive a fine prize basket as well).  There will be  
opportunity for pick-up bouts before and after the tournament as well.

Namron Protectorate will be held Oct. 7-9 at Camp Cimmaron, Coyle,  
Oklahoma.  Please refer to the event website at http://protectorate.baronyofnamron.org/ 
  for further information about the event.

Lady Rosamund Blaunchflur
Youth Marshal, Barony of Wiesenfeuer

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