[Ansteorra-announce] ARTS AND SCIENCES at the TRIALS of ST. ANTHONY, Barony of Bjornsborg, October 18-20, 2013

Carolle Ternus clternus at sbcglobal.net
Sat Aug 3 10:43:43 PDT 2013

Barony of Bjornsborg, October 18-20, 2013    

Static A&S Competition
The Static A&S Competition will be held during the day in the VBFT.  Check the schedule for set up and take down times.
One entry per artisan
Documentation required
The themes are related to the event:  Saints, Relics/Reliquaries, Pilgrimage, the countries represented in the tournament.
The Baron and Baroness will bestow gifts and wordfame onto their favorite.

Performance A&S Competition
The Performance A&S Competition will be held immediately after evening court in the VBFT.
One entry per artisan, no longer than 5 minutes.
Minimal documentation required:  Title, Type of entry (sonnet, prayer, 
etc.), Culture/Country and Time of origin of entry or of piece/s entry 
is based on.  More information will be
 favorably received.
The themes are related to the event:  Saints, Relics/Reliquaries, Pilgrimage, the countries represented in the tournament.
The Baron and Baroness will bestow gifts and wordfame onto their favorite.

We are in the midst of soliciting and organizing a series of classes 
related to the theme of the event.  To offer a class or suggest a class,
 contact Mistress Radegund at clternus at sbcglobal dot net.
Class list and schedule to come.
So far, I believe there is a pewter casting class, a technique one might have used for casting pilgrims' badges.
Other suggestions:  Relics and Reliquaries, Pilgrimage, Making Chaplets/Rosaries, etc.

(slightly different topic)


As Bjornsborg is an area rich in history and tradition, it should be no 
surprise that it is rich in saints and shrines as well.  Tour our
 pilgrimage route, stop a moment at a roadside shrine, learn a bit about
 St. Anthony of Padua (San Antonio) or Saint Margaret Polycarp (a local 
saint), visit the shrine to St. Sebastian, where else but at the archery
 range.  Those who complete the pilgrimage route will receive a small 
remembrance of their sojourn in Bjornsborg.

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