[Ansteorra-announce] Ravensfort's Artisan of the Fort - Attention Fighters, Artisan Sponsors and Static Entrants

Carolle Ternus clternus at sbcglobal.net
Tue Sep 3 19:56:32 PDT 2013

Ravensfort's Artisan of the Fort - Attention Fighters, Artisan Sponsors and Static Entrants

Artisan of the Fort Static A&S Competition September 20-22, 2013

Run by Mistress Radegundis Turonensis

Single entry


This means:

What is it: reticulated ear spoon

Where is it from: Upper Moldavia

When is it from: 1352 and a half

BUT NOT TO WORRY - If you would like improve your documentation, there will be a documentation workshop Saturday morning. Bring your item and your sources and learn from Mistress Radegunde and her documentation crew, how to arrange your information in the best way possible for competition. THE DOCUMENTATION WORKSHOP IS +NOT+ REQUIRED.

Judging will be done using a scaled down version of the Kingdom Static Judging Sheets. Entrants who are on site are encouraged but not required to accompany a judge for at least one entry (not their own). This enables entrants to learn what really happens during judging.

Fighters: you must either enter one of the competitions or have an artisan sponsor you with an entry in one of the competitions.

For any questions, contact Mistress Radegunde at clternus at sbcglobal dot net


I am not on all the different email lists or fb groups, so everyone feel free to forward this far and wide!

I want to make sure people know that they can enter the Static Competition OR participate in the documentation workshop OR both, but they DON'T have to do both.  You can do one or the other or both, up to you.  Also, I think there is a change to the fighter sponsorship stuff, so check with the Event Steward, Devin.  https://www.facebook.com/events/275550529252880/  You can also go to the official website by going to the Unofficial Calendar at www.ansteorra.org .  Hope to see you there!

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