[Ansteorra-announce] LAURELS PRIZE TOURNEY, 08/13/14, LOCH SOILLEIR

Minister of Arts and Sciences via Ansteorra-announce2 ansteorra-announce2 at lists.ansteorra.org
Tue Aug 19 18:51:18 PDT 2014

Greetings Ansteorra!

Laurels Prize Tourney is rapidly approaching and will be hosted by the
Stellar Barony of Loch Soilleir.

LPT is a yearly arts event wherein artisans bring entries to display and
receive feedback on.  There are no judges.  Despite the name, it is not a
competition, so much as a friendly time and play to share art, excitement,
resources, and knowledge.

Scared of competition?  Afraid your arts aren’t period enough?  The word
‘documentation’ gives you flashbacks to school?  Don’t worry – this is not
an event about judging – it’s about art and excitement.

The deadline for guaranteed space for display and for submission of
research papers to be read ahead is Aug 31, 2014.  Send registration and
papers to me, Mistress Radegund at kingdom at moas.ansteorra.org .  Information
needed for registration can be found at the following links.  The first is
the facebook event page, and the second is the Loch Soilleir event page.



I am unaware of alternate plans to allow for alcoholic entries, but we are
working on it.  Stay tuned!

(No judging sheets or scores will be harmed in the commission of this

Yours in Service, I am

Radegundis, Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences, Ansteorra

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