[Ansteorra-announce] Gulf Wars - Electrical and Fire on Ansteorran Land News!!!

Doug Copley doug.copley at gmail.com
Thu Feb 20 06:19:45 PST 2014

Greetings unto the Greatest Kingdom in the Known World!

Preregistration has closed, numbers are coming in, people are getting ready
for War and for a great time.

There is news of things that are happening at the Gulf War site!

Electrical - There is no change for anyone camping on Ansteorran lands this
year. Some of the other areas were hit by low life thieves who stole the
wiring that was supplying electrical out to some of the areas. Those areas
are getting new wire, new circuits, and new boxes - They are also going to
have to start paying for electrical usage. $60 for the war or $100 for the
year. Again, this does not affect those on Ansteorran Lands. We may have to
deal with it in the future but not at this time.

FIRE!! There was a fire on Ansteorran lands this last weekend. I have only
see a couple of pictures and I am trying to get more. If you were standing
on Queens Hwy looking at the majestic Ansteorran Gate there is a small road
called Ansteorran Way to the left of it about 30' that goes almost all the
way back to the ravine. The fire burned the grass from that road going West
(away from the Gates) and all the way back to the ravine. If you were at
Gulf Wars last year, it is the area that North Keep, Mooneschadowe, and
Company of Caerleon were all camped - roughly 20,000 sgft of camping area.

All is not lost and no need to despair! We are Ansteorra, we are a team, we
can overcome this minor problem!

The Gulf War staff has really been looking, working, and trying to figure
out everything they can do to help us. Everything is being considered,
nearby land if needed, getting numbers to us so we can see how much land we
really need, and the site owner has offered to use a tractor and scraper to
go over the area. A good rain storm would take care of most of it and we
are still a little ways off, and lets be honest how often do you go to Gulf
War and it does not rain.

Depending on what happens with the weather and the scraping and how things
look the land may or may not be usable for camping on. Although the trees
look like they may have survived, if the ground is all covered with soot,
it will get on everything that you own, boots, shoes, socks, dresses,
tracked in to tents on tents, everywhere. This would not be fair to expect
someone to camp on it.

What will this mean for groups? Number one, we will make this work and we
will have an Awesome War! We may have to move groups around much more than
we had planned, please be patient and flexible. In the past couple of years
groups have gotten 250 - 270 sqft per person camping in their area, this
year we may have to cut that back to the 225 sqft standard. We want
everyone to have a great war and to be happy, have fun, camp with friends,
and be on Ansteorran land. It is not any fun camping way away from where
your friends and the rest of the Kingdom are.

I do not have all of the answers yet. But rest assured that there is an
entire group working on this issue and we are going to do everything in our
power to get it taken care of the best way possible.

As we learn more we will let everyone know.


HL Vincenti da Murano CAO
Ansteorran Land Steward, Gulf War XXIII

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