[Ansteorra-announce] LAURELS PRIZE TOURNEY thanks from Radegundis, KMOAS

Carolle Ternus via Ansteorra-announce2 ansteorra-announce2 at lists.ansteorra.org
Mon Sep 29 16:44:11 PDT 2014

Greetings to Ansteorra, from Radegundis Turonensis,

Two weeks ago, the Barony of Loch Soilleir hosted LAURELS PRIZE TOURNEY.  The artisan response was so unexpectedly positive that we had to squeeze down the room allotted to each display.  We thank everyone for their patience and understanding of the site limitations.

I wish to thank the Barony of Loch Soilleir for hosting the event, and the artisans and Laurels for participating.  The two co-Event Stewards, Duchess Ebergardis and Lady Hennessey, did an outstanding job of dealing with many site and scheduling challenges and stayed in close contact with me.  I appreciate it very much.  (Also, the use of the printer/copier was great!)  Thank you also to Their Royal Majesties and Their Royal Highnesses for attending.

On a personal note, I wish to thank Mistress Delphina for her design, printing and organizing help, Yrsa for manning the Artisan sign-in, as well as the cherished friends who kept me fed and hydrated.

In sincere thanks to the Kingdom of Ansteorra, I am
Radegundis, Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences

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