[Ansteorra-announce] [Announcements] Call for Applicants - Pelican Sovereign of Arms

via Announcements via Ansteorra-announce2 ansteorra-announce2 at lists.ansteorra.org
Fri Apr 22 15:52:31 PDT 2016

From Laurel: Applications for Pelican Sovereign of Arms
Dame Lillia, Pelican Queen of Arms, is nearing the end of her tenure, which officially ends January 1, 2017. We are beginning the process of seeking a successor for her office. If you are interested, please see the job description below and send a letter of interest and your resumé to [ bids at heraldry.sca.org ]( mailto:bids at heraldry.sca.org ) and [ resumes at sca.org ]( mailto:resumes at sca.org ) by Saturday, June 30, 2016. 
If you have questions about the job, please contact Lillia at [ pelican at heraldry.sca.org ]( mailto:pelican at heraldry.sca.org ) or myself at [ laurel at heraldry.sca.org ]( mailto:laurel at heraldry.sca.org ). Dame Lillia will be available at KWHSS 2016 for questions about the job.
Pelican Sovereign of Arms
The Pelican Sovereign of Arms is an educational deputy of the Laurel Principal Sovereign of Arms, responsible for the consideration of and decisions concerning names submitted for registration by the College of Arms.
Pelican is an unpaid position, currently requiring approximately 20 hours a week. The position requires considerable tact and patience, onomastic knowledge, research and reasoning ability, a clear understanding of the Standards for Evaluation and past Laurel rulings, the ability to write clearly and succinctly, the ability to work within tight deadlines and coordinate closely with Wreath, Laurel and other staff to produce a Laurel Letter of Acceptance and Return monthly, computer literacy and word processing skills, reliable e-mail and telephone access, and time and ability to travel. Access to a good research library is desirable but not required. Given the current structure of the office, a high-speed internet connection is useful but it is not required.
Resumés must be sent in both hard copy to Laurel at the address at the top of this Cover Letter and electronically to [ bids at heraldry.sca.org ]( mailto:bids at heraldry.sca.org ) and [ resumes at sca.org ]( mailto:resumes at sca.org ). 
The electronic applications will be posted on OSCAR with addresses and other contact information stripped from them. Resumés must be received by June 30, 2016 with an expected start date following Pennsic 2016.
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