[Ansteorra-announce] [Announcements] People On The Move - Director Elect - Seat A

Kelly Magill via Announcements announcements at lists.sca.org
Wed Jun 12 14:07:06 PDT 2019

The Board of Directors would like to announce the appointment of Gigi Coulson, M. S. (Giata Magdalena Alberti, OL) as Director-Elect  - Seat A.

 Ms. Coulson, M.S. worked for the federal government for over 15 years as an interdisciplinary sociologist and biologist. She has experience in both qualitative and quantitative social assessments, environmental impact statements, diversity initiatives, program management, environmental justice, conflict resolution, policy creation, and training program development. She has a passion for sociocultural anthropology, living history, learning, and teaching. She is a complete Italophile and tries to visit Italy each year.

Giata  Magdalena Alberti, OL is a late 15th-century Florentine living in Venice. She passes her time spending her condottieri husbands' money and entertaining the visitors of her father’s house in Venice by hosting weekly salons. Her hobbies include working on her  herbal experiments, occasional hawking, mediating contests of skill and chance, and traveling to Mantua, Milan, and Ferrara to visit her friends at court.

Ms. Coulson may be contacted via gcoulson at sca.org.

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