[Ansteorra-announce] [Announcements] 2020 SCA Census Results

John Fulton via Announcements announcements at lists.sca.org
Sun Oct 25 11:55:25 PDT 2020



From: Kelly Magill <communications at sca.org>
Sent: Sunday, October 25, 2020 12:54 PM
To: announcements <announcements at lists.sca.org>
Cc: Dan Watson <dwatson at director.sca.org>; John Fulton <president at sca.org>
Subject: 2020 SCA Census Results

2020 SCA Census Results - SCA.org<https://www.sca.org/news/2020-sca-census-results/>
The initial report of the 2020 SCA Census Results are now available. Please click on the link for more information!

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