[Ansteorra-announce] Updated February Job openings!

Mistress Myfanwy ferch Eifion oac at seneschal.ansteorra.org
Sun Feb 14 06:03:45 PST 2021

(****EDITED 2/14:  Added several openings that were announced at Round Table yesterday and remove one filled office)

Good morning Ansteorra!

Here are the officer openings for Kingdom and Regional offices as of today, February 14.

Applications due ASAP:
Kingdom Youth Rapier Marshal
Southern Regional Minister of Children
Central Regional Chronicler

Applications due 2/17:
Northern Regional Knight Marshal

Applications due 3/31:
Southern Regional Scribe
Central Regional Scribe

Applications due 4/30
Kingdom Minister of Arts & Sciences

Although I will only be posting the openings once a month, the webpage will maintain a current list of openings.  In addition, if your local group would like to post their openings, please send me a message when you copy the appropriate Regional or Kingdom officer.  

To apply for any officer or to see what openings are being advertised, please go to:

In Service,
Myfanwy ferch Eifion
Officer Application Coordinator

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