[Ansteorra-announce] LPT PayPal preregistration ends FRIDAY, Feb. 3.

Jennifer Aghassibake jmaghassi at gmail.com
Wed Feb 1 08:18:39 PST 2023

Greetings good gentles!

PayPal registration for Laurel's Prize Tourney will close THIS FRIDAY, Jan.

Artisan entries will close THIS SATURDAY, Jan 4.

Here is the link for PayPal:  https://tinyurl.com/2023LPT

Here is the link for artisan registration:

Here is a link to the event website:

A buffet style luncheon is included in site fee.

Please preregister so that the luncheon crew can get a solid idea of how
many people to cook for.

Hot tea and coffee will be available all day, please bring your own mug.

And a reminder, this is the same site as Coronation, there is very limited
cell signal inside the building due to its metal roof.

Please take a photo or screenshot of your blue card to make check in at
gate easier.

Thank you


HL Madalena de Orozco
LPT Gate Coordinator

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