[Ansteorra-announce] Kingdom Arts and Sciences - Enhancements for Judging and Addition of Accommodations

Minister of Arts and Sciences kingdom at moas.ansteorra.org
Mon Jul 17 08:08:50 PDT 2023

Greetings Ansteorra from your KMOAS,
For those that were not at Round Table this weekend we announced some new
options for Kingdom Arts and Sciences.  These are not mandatory but highly

1). Documentation for static is due with the research and supported
research papers.  This is two weeks before the event.  This will give the
judges more time to read and make sure that your work is getting the
attention it needs.  Errata will be allowed the day of within reason.

2).  You will get to meet your judge.  For static judging you will have the
option to meet your judge.  The idea is for you and your judge to discuss
what kind of feedback you are looking for.  This will not be discussing
your particular project or be a Q&A.  For research we will reach out via
zoom, Google meet, phone, etc.

2). We will be providing accommodations for those who need assistance. From
needing help with setup to assistance with writing, contact your regional
or Kingdom DEI officer to start the process.  They will coordinate with the
site or the A&S accommodations contact to assist.  We are an honor based
society and we will not be asking you what your specific disability is.
Accommodations will be tailored to your needs.

The goal is to provide a better experience for artisans and make the
judging a bit easier.

In Service
M Bia
Magnifica Biatrichi Malatesta Canzionari di Palermo, OL, KMOAS

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