[Ansteorra-announce] Timeline for B&B transition Bryn Gwlad

ER Seneschal er-seneschal at seneschal.ansteorra.org
Thu Oct 19 19:57:30 PDT 2023


Here is the timeline for the baronial transition of the Baron and Baroness
for Bryn Gwlad.

*October 30th, 2023*: This is the deadline to declare baronial
candidate status—no
new entrants are allowed after this date. Final letters of intent by
baronial candidates are due to the Crown by email.

·   *November 4th, 2023*: The November edition of the baronial newsletter
is published. It includes the final opinion poll form with the names and
candidate letters of the baronial candidates, the same as found on the
baronial website.

·   *November 27th, 2023:  Polling Occurs:  *We will allow up to 1 hour for
Q&A session with the candidates and then we will provide the ballots if
they do not wish to poll electronically.

·  *December 4th 2023: Absentee Polling Opinions are due.*

·  *December 2023* - Crown interviews baronial candidates

·  *January 13th, 2024*: HRM will announce who will be the next Baron and
Baroness of Bryn Gwlad at Crown Tournament.

·   *Saturday, February 3rd, 2024*: Investiture of the new Landed Nobility.

In Service,


ER Seneschal Ansteorra

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