[Ansteorra-announce] Principality Feedback Wanted – Proposed Changes to Vindheim Law

Ansteorra Webminister kingdom at webminister.ansteorra.org
Tue Jun 11 16:16:19 PDT 2024

*Title:* Principality Feedback Wanted – Proposed Changes to Vindheim Law

*Publish Date:* Tue, 11 Jun 2024 23:12:00 +0000

*Author:* kolfinna in kyrra Ottarsdottir

*Link to full announcement:*

*Short Description:*

Their Majesties seek feedback from the populace of the Principality of
Vindheim regarding Vindheim Principality law changes proposed by their
Serene Highnesses.  Read the proposed changes and send your commentary to
trm at crown.ansteorra.org , coronet at ansteorra.org and
coronet at vindheim.ansteorra.org by June 25th 2024.


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