
James Crouchet crouchet at infinity.ccsi.com
Thu Apr 20 08:39:20 PDT 1995

On Mon, 17 Apr 1995, I. Marc Carlson wrote:

> <James Crouchet <crouchet at infinity.ccsi.com>>

[... gobblydegook deleted ...]
> >> Those pressures exist all over the place in the Society (not to mention the
> >> greater Society at large), whether you notice them or not.
> >Sure, this is how we guide the development of our fellows.  It is the 
> >only enforcement method for courtisy and honor. We are, after all, a 
> >Society. 
> So, then, it is appropriate to pressure those people who do not wish
> to perform heraldic activities to doing such, since that is what the Lady
> Estril and I are referring to.

That is not what I said.  But since you ask...

I think folks who play in the SCA need to know enough heraldry to identify
the armory of their group, their friends and their kingdom and be able to
distinguish them one from the other. They should also know to shut up when
the herald calls O Yez, to come into court only when called and a few
other such basic operating bits. 

And yes, I think anyone playing in the SCA should have to learn that much 
heraldry whether that is their area of interest or not, just as someone 
who is going to learn to drive must learn the meanings of road signs 
whether they want to or not. I see this as part of the basic knowledge a 
person needs to function in the SCA.

Those who take heraldic jobs need to know enough heraldry and otherwise
have the ability to do their job. If they have unrelenting stage fright
they should not take a job that is primarily voice heraldry and if they
take a job with SOME voice (such as branch herald) they should have a good
voice deputy. 

If no one has these skills before they start, whoever takes the job should 
realize they will need to bust butt learning this stuff so they can do 
justice to their job. It IS a lot of work.

If a group is so tiny or so apathetic that no one with the skills OR the
willingness to learn can be found to fill this basic office perhaps the
creation of the group was premature. 

As for other jobs, such as field herald, someone needs to perform those 
duties. My first choice is always those who want to do the job. But if 
there are not enough, other folks should be willing to pitch in and help.  
This is expected in the kitchen, on cleanup and at gate guard.  I do not 
particularly enjoy marshaling fights, but I often do it to make our game 
work. Most folks seem to realize that we must all occasionally do work we 
do not particularly care for if the game is to work. Service is always a 
personal decision, but the only folks I think should be exempted from the 
pressure to perform such tasks are those who are not capable or who have 
very strong negative feelings about a particular job (such as very strong 
stage fright in regards to voice heraldry).

> Diarmuit

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