Heraldre idea, cont...

Nan Bradford-Reid n.b-reid at MAIL.UTEXAS.EDU
Tue Aug 8 07:45:50 PDT 1995

>(Sorry, this is a continuation of my last idea.  I hit the "fire the cannon
>button" rather than the [é].)
>Perhaps it would become passé to create your own arms, and a grant of arms
>would mean that you would receive a call from the Heraldic office stating
>that your arms were being assigned.
>I think it would be an interesting twist on what, for some, is a great
>burden-- deciding what sort of a device you want.  I think that it could
>also be a great outlet for the talented heralds that we have in this
>kingdom.  PLEASE, MAKE NO RULES OR LAWS.  This would simply become an
>informal service, that could bloom into a tradition.
>Whatcha think?
>I remain Yours, etc.
>Antonio Bastiano
>or cmwalden at bga.com

Oh, I dunno, Antonio, how many people really want Chinese magic rings in
their arms?  Seriously, I think it might work to have a sort of "heraldry
bank" from which arms could be used, if the person involved didn't want a
more active role in creating theirs.  I have now "created" 3 sets of arms
(mine, yours and Joliette's) which passed Kingdom and Laurel with no
problems, so I suppose I have a fairly good track record, and would be
willing to participate.  (BTW, I am trying to get Joliette to give her arms
up--it is doubtful she will ever play again--so that someone else might
have them: Vert, fesswise on three lozenges (or fusils, I can't remember
the exact wording now) argent, three fleur-de-lys sable.  Pretty and all
registered and they will probably never be used.  Sigh...)

Nan Bradfor-Reid         |HL Catherine Harwell, CIM, AST
The Department of English|Barony of Bryn Gwlad, Kingdom of Ansteorra
The University of Texas  |~Simplicitas sum Venustas~
512-471-4991             |Argent, on a fret vert, a rose gules,
n.b-reid at mail.utexas.edu |barbed and seeded or.

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