Heraldry idea...

Paul DeLisle pdelisle at innet.com
Thu Aug 10 10:42:00 PDT 1995

Antonio writes:
>What if some people who were good book heralds and had a love an interest in
>improving the visual heraldry started "playing."  Blazons could be created
>and passed up to the kingdom level, but left unassigned.  When someone
>wanted something, they could say "I'd kind of like an eagle in it" or
>something to that effect.  They could then be presented with a set of
>choices that were guaranteed to pass.  The list would have to be updated as
>conflicting arms were passed, but it would allow a different method of
>acquiring arms for people who aren't that good at the book end.

Umm.....it's a GREAT idea, Antonio! In fact; it's been called the "Fire &
Forget Consultation Table" for about four years now! Unfortunately, when we
changed Star Principal Heralds (a couple of times!) plus the changes in the
rules and such, it kind of fell by the wayside! ....So? Regionals? Keif? Any
chance of reviving this dead horse?
                  In Service, I remain
                  Alden Pharamond
                  Mendersham, Ansteorra

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