crowns and classes

Michael A. Chance mchance at
Sat Aug 26 21:23:57 PDT 1995

Lorraine DeerSlayer writes:

> And last but not least --- my favorite thing to hand to a new person -
> The Known World Handbooke (available from the Society Stock Clerk)

While a decent intro to the SCA, it needs to be used carefully.  It's
not been updated for nearly a decade, and contains several errors,
inaccuracies, omissions, and common fallacies.  Also, it contains
almost no references to the historical Middle Ages and Renaissance, or
where to go to learn about them.

Mikjal Annarbjorn
Michael A. Chance          St. Louis, Missouri, USA    "At play in the fields
Work: mc307a at                             of St. Vidicon"
Play: mchance at

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