finding an Ansteorran

Michael Jason Allred mjallred at
Wed Dec 6 17:14:32 PST 1995

>>>I am trying to locate two people by the names of Red Orm and Megan.  A
>>>Shire member, Lady Johanna is looking for them. She is an ex Ansteoran
>>>and has somethings she would like to return to them.  Please point me in
>>>the right direction as to where to begin looking for them.
>I think Orm and Megan are somewhere in Oklahoma. Unfortunately, as far as I
>know, they are fairly inactive, but someone up there might have a lead.

        Orm and Megan, I'm delighted to report, are alive and well and are
currently living in OKC.  If you could forward this to the person who wrote
the original msg. I would be delighted to try to connect with them.


Michael Jason Allred / Ivar Burlufo'tr

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