A&S lovers READ THIS!!!

Chris Doelle cdoelle at Starbase.NeoSoft.COM
Fri Mar 31 12:51:23 PST 1995

>The probem here is not the experts, but the beginners. They are the ones
>who will get discouraged if they compete and repeatedly don't get
>recognized. I think that was the whole point. Why should someone who is
>doing something for the first, or even fifth, time have to compete
>against a Laural?

Because that is how people improve - again, it goes back to why they are 
competing....if they are in it for awards then they should realize that 
they must improve to win those awards.

>That is the whole point isn't it? To encourage the beginners.

I don't think that the level of competition is a factor in whether or not 
they are encouraged to participate

>Why would it? It allows them to shine above the best in their field. It
>also allows for the field to be larger instead of only allowing one to

I guess the difference here is a fundamental one - how can a master 
artisan "shine above the best in their field" if they are not allowed to 
compete on an even playing field?  

>The difference here is encouragement. How often does the standard SCA
>person encourage someone to enter A&S no matter what? Fighters, on the
>other hand, seem to be encouraged to continue fighting no matter what.
>Fighting against someone who has greater skill is considered a good
>trait, but competing in A&S against the odds, is considered futile. This
>is of course IMHO.

By George, I think you've hit on it!!!  You're right!  Maybe that is what 
all this energy should be focused on - building participation and 
encouraging entrance into A&S competitions.  Instead of bringing the 
"art" of Arts & Sciences down to a level where everyone can get their 
warm fuzzies by winning something - build up the glamour of participation 
in such events.  I do believe that is the answer.  I know that A&S is 
always one of the most interesting things for me at events - but it is 
always a small part of the event itself.

You've got me going now - I would like to put on an Artisan's Faire - a 
weekend event where the highlight of the event will be A&S and the "meat" 
of the event will be instructional classes on these arts.

If anyone is interested in pursuing this anywhere in Ansteorra, I would 
love to help set it up.  I am in Stargate but would welcome talking with 
anyone about it.  (Lookout - I'm excited about something now!!!!)

              /\   /\                       Chris Doelle
            /   | |   \      a.k.a. Christian Bryant of House Canis Gigantis
           |    | |    |            cdoelle at starbase.neosoft.com
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         |               |          "Sam, don't eat the knight!"
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            \__/   \___/ @copyright Baron Sampson von Gehrig

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