BlackStar Changes

Pug pug at
Sun Nov 5 08:34:57 PST 1995

>  JC> The kind of changes I would like to see include larger print (for my
>  JC> aging eyes), 
> Invest in some reading glasses or a magnifying glass.  A clean, well formed 8
> point font should be easily read by anyone with average eyesight (average
> eyesight being pretty abysmal in this day and age).  The 12 point we get now
> is a gross waste of space.

I do not think a well formed 8 point font is easily readable by anyone.
I do think that it is readable, but would irritate or give headache to a
number of people. I think a 10 point font is easily readable though.
(yes, it's quibbling, but I don't wanna see a going overboard)

Btw, I'm legally able to drive without my glasses, but I can't read any
8 point font without my glasses on most days. 10 point fonts are blury
but readable.

> Not in this case. My point was to offer ways to save the SCA, Inc. (and,
> ultimately, you and me) money while still enabling the newsletters to perform
> their required function.

Now I need to wonder if it would actually save you and me money. Not to
speak bad of SCA, Inc, but when most organizations make a change to save
money, they tend to *not* pass it on to the person paying for it. The
money ends up going towards other things that the organization thinks is
important, but the paying person may not.

Btw, when I read "turn your PC sideways to read it", I was trying to
figure out how you kept doing that, and why you didn't buy software that
did that for you. *smile*


Phelim Uhtred Gervas  | "I want to be called. COTTONTIPS. There is something 
Barony of Bryn Gwlad  |  graceful about that lady. A young woman bursting with 
House Flaming Dog     |  vigor. She blinked at the sudden light. She writes
pug at  |  beautiful poems. When ever shall we meet again?"

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