BlackStar Changes

James Crouchet crouchet at
Thu Nov 2 07:25:35 PST 1995

I tried to post this message several days ago, but my mail would not talk 
to the list's mail. I think it is better now.


I agree that there are many cost cutting measures that could be used to 
reduce costs for the SCA, but I really feel cutting services in the 
BlackStar is NOT the way to go.

Eliminate maps...I don't think so. Some people are map people (like me) 
some are written directions people (like Clare). I do better with a bad 
map than a good set of directions -- I just don't think that way.
There are many things we could do to improve the ads in the BlackStar -- 
some more likely to actually happen than others -- but that, I think, is 
the point. We should be trying to IMPROVE the BlackStar, not just chop 
it's budget. If the chronicler tells me he can reduce the costs of the 
newsletter without sacraficing service I say great! But to get even less 
than we get now? No thanks.

Also, I remember not too many years ago when the BlackStar had to have 
auctions and fund raisers, and generally go begging for money. We still 
ended up paying for it but the chronicler ended up spending a fair chunk 
of time fund raising, rather than editing. Let's not go back to that.

The kind of changes I would like to see include larger print (for my aging
eyes), better maps and ads, better use of white space, borders and other
layout items to make it easier to read, a full one year (or more!)
calendar and a standardized look to event announcements so we can quickly
and easily get the information we need from them. I also like the full
page format that Popular Chivalry uses and Outlandish Herald use to use
(Back then, Outlandish Herald was a GOOD looking magazine). 

Not exactly cost saving items, but items that would make the newsletter 
better serve the purpose for which I buy it. That is the point, isn't it?


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