Alternatives to NMS

Nan Bradford-Reid n.b-reid at
Thu Oct 26 09:16:16 PDT 1995

>> ((I don't like this idea.  We already get so many bad and tiny, unreadable
>> maps now, that making groups pay for anything over 1/2 page--maybe over 1
>> page--will decrease the legibility and quality of the event announcements
>> even more.
>I don't know if we are talking about the same thing or not. When I say
>1/2 page, I really mean one side of 1/2 sheet of paper. This means 1 page
>as you're flipping through the newsletter.

((Okay, that's one page to me, being one page of that size newsletter, and
I believe it is also what the ad rates are based on, but then again, even
the Kingdom chronicler could be describing two different things.  The
comments re maps *still* apply, though >:-).))

((Nan))  Catherine

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