garb question

Mark Harris mark_harris at
Mon Apr 22 09:07:42 PDT 1996

Mergriet asks:

>I am interested in making a pair of late period men's tights.  I have found
>lots of information on construction, &c., but have found nothing as to the
>actual material one would use.  Any suggestions?

I have a file that does go over various construction descriptions, materials
and where to buy modeern equivalents. This file is:

hose-msg          (68K)  4/11/96    Hose and leggings.

And can be found at:

I also have the following files on other specific clothing items:

cloaks-msg        (36K)  1/ 3/95    Cloaks, cloak pins and clasps.
gloves-msg        (18K)  1/ 3/96    Gloves. making gloves.
headgear-msg      (72K)  3/28/96    Hats, veils and other headgear.
p-shoes-msg       (50K)  4/17/96    Medieval footwear.
pants-msg         (14K)  3/27/96    Medieval pants, pantaloons, breeches.
pouches-msg       (14K)	 3/ 7/96    Medieval pouches, purses and bags.
raingear-msg      (45K)  4/ 4/96    Period raingear. waterproofing cloth.
shoes-msg        (131K)  4/17/96    Medieval footwear and SCA imitations.
underwear-msg     (50K)  3/27/96    What to wear under garb. SCA and period. 

Stefan li Rous
Barony of Bryn Gwlad
markh at

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