Kingdom Calendar

Kathy Lee kal35810 at Jetson.UH.EDU
Sun Apr 28 07:41:32 PDT 1996

>August 1996
>2-4	***Queen's Champion - Black Oak Keep (Greenville TX)
>9-11	Kingdom Dance Workshop and Ball - Loch Sollier (Clear Lake TX)
>16-18	(open)
>23-25	War Chieftain/Cavalier of the Bridge - Middleford (Killeen TX)
>30-1	Gothic Wars - Bonwicke (Lubbock TX)
>	Baronial Championship - Weisenfeuer (OK City)
>	Eastern Brue-haha - Dun Bruthain (Houston TX)

Don't forget Pennsic ... August 3-18!  e-mail me if you need more info.

(Shameless pennsic plug :-)  )



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