SCA near Rice University?

Matthew R. Popalisky mpopali at
Mon Aug 12 20:04:13 PDT 1996

On Thu, 8 Aug 1996, Vicki Marsh wrote:

>         Valhalla is what they call it (where souls of fried-brain academics
> >>gather following defeat in battle, is the logic, I think). 
> >>
> >>, Raven's Fort
> >
> >Unless they've changed things significantly since I was there (which is
> >possible, that *was* nearly 20 years ago) "Valhalla" is the graduate student
> >bar, under the stairs of of the Chemistry Lecture Hall. "Willy's Pub" is for
> >the general populace, and is located in the basement of the student center,
> >near (but not actually under) the chapel.
> >
> >     -Tivar Moondragon
> >         (Baker '77)
> Funny how things go full circle.  There was a group of SCA'ers who
> originated at Rice about that time.  As I recall, it included Tivar,
> Vargskol, & Robin of Gilwell.
> It would be an interesting SCA anthropological question to see who started
> with what core group and where.  I know there are others, such as the TAMU
> group that included Cadfen, Godfrey de la Fosse(now active in Atlantia), and
> a later group that included Cynric.
> Bryn Gwlad had a core group that started out in Bjornsborg, then really
> solidified and grew after a SpringFaire that was held in 1979.  Iolo, Gweno,
> Ricardo, Aislinn of Lion's Lair, Eldric, and others whose names escape me
> right now joined about that time. 
> Steppes had a group of High School kids, including Edwin, Kaylitha, and
> Joysianne, that ended up in Bryn Gwlad for college - many of whom have since
> returned to Steppes.
> I know there are other groups scattered around the Kingdom that have a
> definable starting point, and probably a charismatic leader, a household
> affiliation, or a gaming group.
> What I would like to know, is what was it about these origins that these
> people have in common?  Is it only a statisical percentage of the total
> groups that stayed active at such a high level? Or was there something else? 
> Inquiring minds want to know. Those of you who are active (and not on your
> way to Pennsic already), I would love to hear from you what inspired you and
> has kept you in.
> Zahra Zena

I apologise for answering for Lord Edrei the Quiet of Grimfells, but he's
not here...

Edrei der Nass joined at the beginnings of Grimfells back when we were a
part of the Midrealms, but maybe that was Meridies, but no one was too
sure then (something like 20 years ago), including the BoD.  He would
change his name to Edrei the
Quiet, and help found Smythkepe down in Meridies (as teh 727 area code was
declared to be part of the northern kingdom).  He still plays with both
shires to this day, and has given great service towards the dream with his
abilities.  People may not always notice him, but I am proud to call him
friend and greatly admire what he has done and currently does to forward
teh Society.

Lady Kateryn Heathrydge.

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