Evolution of SCA-

Matthew R. Popalisky mpopali at comp.uark.edu
Sun Dec 8 17:24:07 PST 1996

On 6 Dec 1996, Mark Harris wrote:

> >>>>>
> I also remember more activities on Sunday. But this may have
> been dieing out even seven years ago since I only remember a
> few such activities and then only on Sunday morning. It may
> be that when SCA events happened less frequently, People
> wanted to spend more time at them. Now when you can usually
> take your pick of two or three events every weekend, many
> people may be going to more and the time at each event is
> less precious. I have also noticed that few people break
> camp in garb anymore.  Many, including myself, often do not
> even bother to put garb on on Sunday.

One comment to insert here--

I live in Grimfells, and one of our claims to fame is too far from
anything.  My mate and I tend to be moving early on Sunday morning because
we both have a goodly drive.  Northkeep and Crystal Mynes are 2 hours,
Forgotten Sea is 4, and everything else just gets longer.  I like my down
time at home to get ready for the week and recover from the weekend.


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