rattan bow construction article

Paul Gilbert vis_pfg at unx1.shsu.edu
Thu Dec 26 14:52:30 PST 1996

John Edgerton wrote:
> I have received an article on how to make a bow from rattan.  If you
> would like a copy by email please let me know.
> If you would like to be added to my email list for the current IKAC
> standings and other information of interest to target and combat archers,
> please send me your: name, kingdom and email address.


My wife, Kezia of Ravens Fort would like info on the rattan bow and other 
archery related items you email out.

Please add her and  to your list.

Kezia, mka Barbar Gilbert, Ansteorra, kezia_rf at juno.com
Nikolas, Paul Gilbert, Ansteorra, vis_pfg at unx1.shsu.edu


Nikolas of Muscovy,
Barony of Ravens Fort
Huntsville, Texas

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