Award timing

ches at ches at
Wed Jan 31 12:41:02 PST 1996

>The goalpost for every bloody award has been on a slow march forward, what
>once would have gotten someone a pelican now barely gets noticed. This has
>the unfortunate effect of making the society and old boys club. If you
>played when it was easier to get an award once you get your first the rest
>are fairly easy.
>Delaying awards does nothing but foster ill-will and resentment. The
>argument that making the awards "too easy" will devalue them is utterly
>rediculous, the awards are worth NOTHING. They are at best a form of
>recognition, at worst they are a political football.

I agree and disagree. There is an element of what you speak but there is also 
the periodness of that as well. But on the other hand there is the "there are 
too many .... 's. We need to make it harder to get in order for the award to 
mean anything." You reach critical mass even in fantasy. There is a balance to 
all things and sometimes we are the necks that fall under the ax. Althought you 
still have to be ACTIVE to get anywhere in an organization, ex: Corporations. 
Do be too depressed your day will come whether it is here or elsewhere, you 
know, Karma has a way of coming back on itself. 10 years ago it took me 3 years 
to get noticed. I have heard other stories that that was fast in those days 

Ciao   @}\
Ches @}----`--,--


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