In response to Kiev's post:

Kathri at Kathri at
Fri Jul 26 16:36:18 PDT 1996

Kiev, of course there are politics involved -- the word comes from the Greek
'polites' meaning 'citizen', which we have *plenty* of.  Anywhere there are
people, there are politics.  'Politics' is also closely related to the word
'politic', which I recommend to you.  It means 'shrewd or prudent in
practical matters; diplomatic; tactful; expedient'.

It is possible that this is the best solution to a sticky situation, and that
telling *all* would only embarrass some who are trying to do the best thing
they can with the current situation.  It's almost impossible to embarrass
you, but not everyone feels that way. I'm embarrassed by this whole exchange.

Unless you know for sure that the populace needs to be involved in this --
and you have better ways of finding that out than this mail forum -- then
quit shouting.

The rest of you, if the shoe fits wear it.

HL Katherine Constancia da Feltre
who is known as Kathri when she's not on her high horse.


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