Scribe project

lisah at lisah at
Mon Nov 18 12:47:24 PST 1996

Hello.  Our current TRH's have a vision about everyone getting AOAs,
Jambes and Gouttes getting an original scroll.  They're 6th c Romano Celt,
and want the scrolls to follow that vein.  I have the script, but am having
problems finding design ideas.  I have found some examples from the
burial at Sutton Hoo, but that is about it.

The project's organizer says simple braids, Celtic swirls, simple animals
and such are what she's looking for, but no serious knotwork, and no
Celtic twisty-beasties (which is odd, because the Sutton Hoo work has
some, and she's already ok'd the Sutton Hoo stuff).  Can anybody tell me
where to go?  My librarian says they didn't call them the Dark Ages for
nothing!  Ha!

Thanks for all your help.  It's nice to need your old Kingdom once in a

We miss you!

HL Alastrina McKeary, formerly of Elfsea

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