
Michael Gunter michael_gunter1 at
Mon Nov 25 17:14:45 PST 1996

Black Oak Keep would like to congratulate the named heirs of Bowicke, Alaric
& Kayleigh.  If I misspelled the names I'm sure Alaric will forcibly correct
me on the field.  We were honored by the presence of many members of the
Western region, particularly Bonwicke at our Championship tourney last

Kayleigh is the newest Artisan of Black Oak Keep (yes, you out west will now
frequently see the distinctive YELLOW MUG) and Alaric placed second in our
bear pit with FIFTY-SEVEN victories, exceeded only by the unfailing sword of
Duke Inman with over sixty wins.  

Our thanks go out to all who attended our little event especially all those
who travelled such great distances and helped so much.  Viscount Galen added
the necessary pomp, color, and stuffiness.  Don Miguel added the joy and
Their Highnesses added the pagentry.  We hope that all who attended enjoyed
themselves as much as we enjoyed having you.  We apologize for the weather
but that was merely our abundance of hospitality.  You see, there were
visitors from An Tir who attended and since we knew that they would never
again see proper An Tiran weather...

On a similar note, all know that Black Oak Keep names a dish prepared by the
Black Wolf Tavern at Steppes Warlord after the Champion and Cavalier.  Well
Miguel is the new Cavalier (everybody: AGAIN!) and we already have a
signature dish for him but what about Inman?  Some suggestions are:  Duke
Inman's Hacked Meat Sandwich, and Charles Inman McSmores.  How about it?  The
winning entry gets a free whateveritis at Steppes Warlord.

We love all those who attended and to those who missed this year NEENER,
NEENER, NEENER!  You missed a great time, make plans for next year. 
Remember, yellow mugs are a fashion statement!



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