Lyonesse was Re:

Matthew R. Popalisky mpopali at
Tue Oct 8 10:48:38 PDT 1996

On Tue, 8 Oct 1996, Koch, KA Kimberly 4384 wrote:

> >The concept of running a Swiss 17+ makes my head spin a bit.  I'll
> >let some math person tell us about how many fights that would be.
> 17!  =  17*16*15*...*2*1  =  approx.  3.557*10^14  =   355,700,000,000,000
> Cool!  Let's do it!  At least no one would complain about not getting enough 
> fighting in.  :)  Now, who wants to listmistress?

list mistressES or masterS, please.  maybe it would work like a "mixer"
country dance.  Really redifines "bransle", doesn't it??

Kateryn who also dances

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