bjornsborg fighter practices
Lenny Zimmermann
zarlor at
Thu Oct 10 10:50:30 PDT 1996
On Thu, 10 Oct 1996 11:25:40 -0400, you wrote:
> Could someone tell me where and when Bjornsborg Fighter practices are
>held? I have a San Antonio friend who wants to go check it out...
> Thanks,
> Letha
BJ has practices at Raymond Rimkus park, on the corner of Poss and
Evers (and we fight at that corner of the park) in Leon Valley in the
NorthWest of San Antonio. Light weapons weekday practices are every
Thrusday at 6:30 pm and a combined Heavy/Light and other things
(occasional dance, for example) are every Sunday at 2:00 pm. Any and
all comers are more then welcome to come, including anyone from Bryn
Gwlad who'd like to have some new folks to play with (even though they
usually get us up there once a month or so, so I guess we are not THAT
new. ;-) If you need specific directions, just e-mail me and let me
know where you are coming from.
Honos Servio,
Lionardo Acquistapace, Barony of Bjornsborg, Ansteorra
(mka Lenny Zimmermann, San Antonio, TX)
zarlor at
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