tempio ..direction to event
Paul Lewing
koogar at sage.net
Mon Oct 21 09:26:13 PDT 1996
> Can someone tell please the direction to the Tempio event
> next weekend...please ... or even a phone number to the autocrat.
> Connor Mac CLure of Bryn Gwlad
The easiest way I can think of to get to the sight from Austin is:
Take I-35 north to exit 292 in Belton. This is Loop 121. Turn left onto
Loop 121 and follow it till you reach the flashing red light at 439 at
Belton High School. Turn left onto 439 and follow it just past the turnoff
over Belton Dam.
Frank's Lakeview Inn will be on the right and the site is on the left. Slow
down and look for the SCA signs when you get just past the turnoff over the dam.
Coming south, it's about the same, get off at exit 292 for Loop 121 and turn
right onto Loop 121 and follow it to 439 as above.
>From Killeen and points west taking 190, get off at Loop 121 and turn left
and follow it to 439 as above.
Those taking 439 from Killeen, it will be on your right, before you get to
Frank's Lakeview Inn. I apologize, but I can't think of any landmarks
coming that direction on 439.
The autocrats are: Lady Theodora Lachanidrakon (Ruth Rolston)
Lord Tomas Ashe Buchannan (Thom Rolston)
(817) 773-1039
impthom at vvm.com
Paul Lewing
koogar at sage.net
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