Whine, whine, whine
harry billings
psobaka at mail.myriad.net
Tue Oct 22 19:04:50 PDT 1996
>Dia duit!
>harry billings wrote in a message to All:
> hb> Allow me to correct myself " The Principalit of Hell " recognizes
> hb> archers befor the Kingdom of Ansteorra does in a maner similar to
> hb> other Kingdoms. Also their are about eight Sable Thisle, one Sable
> hb> Falcon. I have heard of one Laurel and to that HL Gillie, Masters
> hb> Iolo and Leon in 16 years
>I don't know where you get the figure 16 years from. The SCA is just over 30
>years old, the Kingdom of Ansteorra just over 17. Archery has not garnered
>enough interest to be more than an "oh, yeah, we can shoot some arrows in the
>corner of that field" activity until recently. It *has* grown enough interest
>that archery only events are not uncommon. I haven't seen any period
>encampments only, or costuming only, or weaving only events...
> hb> it dose not sound like archers are in
> hb> this for the honors, but rather for the FUN.
>I should hope *EVERYONE* is here for the fun, and not for the honors. Anyone
>motivated solely by receiving honors is *not* the sort of people I want in the
>SCA - they tend to become bad kings and cranky dukes.
> hb> Although making 500 to
> hb> 1000 combat arrows is a differnt kind of fun, ask HL Gillie.
> hb> Especially when about 20% them will come back broken just in frount
> hb> of the fletching by a stick jopck stomping on it as he leave the
> hb> field, mad about being killed by a damned archer!!
Points above conceded.
>Awww... Pity the poor archers. Their arrows get broken and they have to make
>new ones.
Not that they were broken but that they were delibertly broken by some one
how is supposedly an honerable person.
>What about the scribe who slaves for hours and hours over a County scroll only
>to find out later that a drink was dumped on it and the scroll ruined before
>the Count even got it home?
Perhaps the award was given to wrong person for the wrong reason (some one
papering their wall).
>What about the seamstress who works for weeks sewing new costumes for Their
>Highnesses' Coronation and never sees them again beuause they're wadded up in a
>box in a pile of similar boxes in a regalia storage shed on the other end of
>the kingdom?
If Crown that has an excess of regalia then they should express their
gratitude for the thought and effort but refuse the costumes. If the
costumes were requested then it is Crowns duty to use they.
>If the archers deserve separate awards because they suffer for their art, then
>should not these other craftsmen also have separate awards?
>Sheesh! Get some perspective.
>Baron Aodhan Ite an Fhithich, ML
>Dobharchu Herald
Plachoya Sobaka a most insignificant archer in Ravens Fort
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