Using the Web for Documentation?
I. Marc Carlson
Fri Oct 25 10:57:54 PDT 1996
<Sigrid<SusanKFord at>>
>What are your opinions and suggestions on using the Web for documentation?
>Have you seen it cited as a source yet?
I've even cited it as a source.
As a rule, however, there is very little on the WWW that can not be
found elsewhere, in some other format that has a bit better control over
its authority. The majority of what currently exists on the web has
minimal content, and is maximized to suck you in and give you a very
brief synopsis of the material. Therefore, with very few exceptions,
I would classify documentation from the Web as being akin to citing
encyclopedias. In other words, it's a great place to get a short definition
for something, but you run some serious risks if you cite it (back track
THEIR sources and check them out).
If it is a source that exists nowhere else, or is just dripping with
content, then *maybe*.
I. Marc Carlson, Reference Librarian |LIB_IMC at CENTUM.UTULSA.EDU
Tulsa Community College, West Campus LRC|Sometimes known as:
Reference Tech. McFarlin Library | Diarmuit Ui Dhuinn
University of Tulsa, 2933 E. 6th St. | University of Northkeep
Tulsa, OK 74104-3123 (918) 631-3794 | Northkeepshire, Ansteorra
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