[Fwd: Slimeball Alert]
Scott White
swhite at onr.com
Fri Oct 25 11:47:29 PDT 1996
>We have just had a pair
>of people who were taken in by an SCA family here rob them
>blind and take off in a pumpkin orange, late-70's VW van
>with a couple of SCA bumper stickers on the back.
Umm, I'm really not comfortable with turning the society into a vigilante
police group on the lookout for bad folks on the run ... I'm terribly sorry
about the unfortunate circumstances that befell the good gentles who were
victimized, but there was NO MENTION in the lengthy post about the role of
LAW ENFORCEMENT in this tangle ...
I think descriptions of the people and a brief description of the offenses
they perpetrated against our fellow SCA members would have been enough, but
blackening this couple for everything from their parenting skills to their
library book-borrowing record was a little much.
<swhite at onr.com>
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