[Fwd: Slimeball Alert]
stddly at SHSU.edu
stddly at SHSU.edu
Fri Oct 25 14:05:58 PDT 1996
Heilsa all true SCA folk...
Gnith wrote>
>Umm, I'm really not comfortable with turning the society into a vigilante
>police group on the lookout for bad folks on the run ... I'm terribly sorry
>about the unfortunate circumstances that befell the good gentles who were
>victimized, but there was NO MENTION in the lengthy post about the role of
>LAW ENFORCEMENT in this tangle ...
It would be nice to see some evidence of Legal involvement...as well as another
source to corroborate these charges.
However, would you wish for these "people" to visit your branch and have any of
your friends and neighbors be treated in this manner? Do you want anyone
running around committing crimes with SCA bumperstickers on their auto? Also,
think about the "Press" getting a hold of the "SCA Child Abusers..." Makes me
Much rather a Vigilante than a Victim...
>I think descriptions of the people and a brief description of the offenses
>they perpetrated against our fellow SCA members would have been enough, but
>blackening this couple for everything from their parenting skills to their
>library book-borrowing record was a little much.
><swhite at onr.com>
I disagree...one must know the nature of one's enemy...never underestimate
one's foe... They have "blackened" themselves... If the post was indeed the
truth, these "people" need to be brought to justice...and very soon. If the
original poster is lying...then they need to be punished for their crimes...
The SCA does not need _any_ behavior of this sort in our ranks. It should never
be tolerated...period.
Wassail kinsfolk...
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