A&S Judging: Criteria / Standards
Vicki Marsh
zarazena at io.com
Sun Oct 27 10:14:58 PST 1996
Greetings, Kateryn,
>Better pathway from Grimfells, and a promise that Master Micheal not show.
>I would hate to make a fool of myself with someone more knowledgable
>around. I am completely in awe of the man. Take heart, I am married to
>an engineer, and there is a real possibility I will move to Rosenfeld,
>Bryn Gwlad, or the Steppes.
How about Elfsea???? We have a very active Bardic Guild that includes
instrumental and multiple voice group practices and performances. My
husband, Llywelyn, HL Eowyn, Ldy Emher, and myself, all have in-depth
backgrounds in Music Theory and Performance. There are others in our group,
also, with different levels of experience, so we have a lot of fun without
being too stodgy.
Bryn Gwlad has Ld Samuel Piper leading a music guild of great renown. He
has put together two books of period instrumental music of his own
arranging. His latest, Arbeau's Orchesographie, was done from original
sources (or at least, reprints of them ) rather than other arrangements. (I
can send you his e-mail, privately).
>Program notes. I had to write them up for my senior recital. If we are
>serious about wanting documentation for our performances, then we must set
>aside time to write, read, and discuss program notes.
*I* would read them and save them. I have seen judges take a one look at
the documentation, then never give it another glance -
It has been a point of discussion here as to how musical/bardic performances
should be judged, whether entertainment value or historical value should be
the most important. What I have come up with is this: If two performances
are equally entertaining, i.e. I would enjoy hearing this performance again,
then the one with the best documentation would be chosen as the best.
Documentation does not have to be written, and can be effectively done in
persona. My husband talks about a poem that was written by a friend -
George Peale, and set to music by John Dowland, on the occasion of the
stepping down of the Queen's champion, then sings a song "His Golden Locks".
Another Music lover,
Zara Zina
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