ansteorra V1 #492
Kasja at
Kasja at
Tue Oct 1 14:05:22 PDT 1996
AN><<< This message is part 3 of a previous message >>>
AN>in activities on the Battle Mound or in the Compound are required. =
AN> Some of the options are: At least three (3) sessions on the =
AN>Battle Mound at 10:00, 11:00, 3:00 or 4:00 fighting (light or heavy). =
AN> Four (4) sessions on the Battle Mound at the previous listed times =
AN>marshaling, water-bearing or performing crowd control. Three (3) =
AN>hours doing arts & sciences demo in the compound. Other =
AN>activities may be negotiated with the Liaison. Choral, dance, and =
AN>musical groups are especially welcome.<br><br>All access to the site =
AN>shall be through the "Participant's Entrance". This =
AN>entrance is approx. 1/2 mile south of the main gate. If a =
AN>blue parking pass is enclosed, please display this pass on your =
AN>rear-view mirror while you are on site. <b>Absolutely no =
AN>access/entrance is allowed through the front gates on a participant's =
AN>pass</b>.<br><br>If you plan on sleeping in the Compound, you must have =
AN>requested space in advance. There is very limited space in the =
AN>buildings and this way you will know in advance if you need to =
AN>camp.<br><br>There is plenty of space for camping (we will be camping in =
AN>our usual spot). Look for the SCA signs and roped off area at our =
AN>camping site. SCA personnel will be providing security for the =
AN>camping area during the day. However, please secure your values in =
AN>a safe place. Camping is permitted Friday through Monday =
AN>mornings.<br><br>Coleman style lanterns and stoves are acceptable. =
AN> Fires are prohibited: no candles, charcoal fires, bar-b-que =
AN>pits or oil lanterns. Garbage must be bagged, tied and deposited =
AN>at the Festival Dumpsters before leaving the site. <br><br>NO pets =
AN>anytime, ever.<br><br>No unaccompanied Minors.<br><br>Quiet curfew is 11 =
AN>PM. Please try and keep the noise down after this time.<br><br>Ice =
AN>will be provided in the compound. Please bring your own drinks and =
AN>lunch items if you do not wish to purchase from the TRF =
AN>Vendors.<br><br>At this time TRF is planning to offer a Saturday evening =
AN>meal for a nominal charge (I believe it was around $5.00 last year), you =
AN>will need your participant's pass in order to get in. Because we =
AN>will have weekend passes this year, and SCA participants will be able to =
AN>attend the TRF dinner, the sponsoring group will not need to provide a =
AN>meal Saturday evening in the compound.<br><br>Pay phones are located at =
AN>the entry gate to the Festival grounds and at all privies.<br><br>There =
AN>are flush toilets and hot showers for all participants =
AN>use.<br><br><b>Hat and shoes must be worn at all times</b>. Please =
AN>wear your best garb. Fighters, we request that you do not wear =
AN>jeans, brightly colored modern shoes (and this goes for everyone else), =
AN>or blatantly modern armor (A tabard will cover a multitude of sins!). =
AN> All attendees: TRF requires that "head coverings" =
AN>be worn. We not only want to have fun, but we would like to =
AN>encourage people to join our Society. TRF policy states that Neon =
AN>colors, tie-dye or bright prints are inappropriate, as is Spandex. =
AN> Ultra modern hairstyles or hair dyed unnatural colors are not =
AN>permitted and must be completely covered. No watches in view of =
AN>patrons and no sunglasses.<br><br>Feel free to play along anytime, have =
AN>your picture taken with patrons if they request it, and talk with the =
AN>patrons during the day if you so chose.<br><br>A hand-out for 'Speaking =
AN>the Part' is available. It would be wonderful if we could all try =
AN>using these helpful tips for our speech throughout the Festival and into =
AN>our own events. <br><br>We have been asked to participate in the Grand =
AN>Parade at noon each day. Please let me know each morning if you =
AN>are interested.<br><br>The Hospitaler from your group is in charge of =
AN>the Information Booth on your weekend. They should have received =
AN>information from the Kingdom Hospitaler. His office has =
AN>volunteered to supply the information sheets and handle the names of =
AN>interested patrons. <br><br>You need to park near the SCA camping =
AN>area (which is near the water towers behind the Archery Booth). If =
AN>you have any questions, please find someone who has attended the =
AN>Festival in past years--they will be able to tell you where to park and =
AN>how to enter the site through the hidden gates.<br><br>At this point SCA =
AN>membership is not required this year. Please pass the word. =
AN> We would like as many SCA people as possible to participate. =
AN> <br><br>Seneschals or Autocrats--please provide the information =
AN>requested and e-mail it back to me. Please e-mail all requests =
AN><b>at least</b> two weeks before date of attendance, I will need enough =
AN>lead time to mail the passes back to you.<br><br>If you have any =
AN>questions you may contact the SCA/TRF Liaison:<br><br>Lord Stefan von =
AN>Drachenfels<br>(Steven L. Holt)<br><font =
AN>color=3D"#0000FF"><u>maxisdgn at</u><font =
AN>color=3D"#000000"><br><br><br><br> =
AN><br><br> <br> <br> �=
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AN>9; <br><br><br><br><br><br></p>
AN>- ------=_NextPart_000_01BBAF77.A3607FC0--
AN>End of ansteorra V1 #492
Stefen, what is your email address?.....
please email me thank you
Ldy Kyrstyn of Greenwood
Barony of stargate
You must do the thing you think you can not do.... E. roosvelt
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