Duke Inman's Report
dennis guy grace
amazing at mail.utexas.edu
Wed Oct 9 08:42:06 PDT 1996
Sir Lyonel here,
At 12:05 PM 10/9/96 -0400, Lord Michael de la Mare wrote:
>Well done Theodric! Thanks for posting His Grace' Report! Perhaps some of
>this chatter over Principality(s) will now cease. I've come close to
>removing myself from the subscription list! There's been very little
>information of substance or worthwhile reading since this whole issue began!
>Take heed dear cousins, pray, I beg you ALL! Our New Society Friends have
>access to this medium. Do we wish to show "this side" of SCA life to those
>which join us for the first time? I think NOT! Please, let's end such
>useless squabbling and return to more enlightening pursuits!!
Beg pardon, Lord Michael, but a few of us do not share your view on this
matter. While I can agree that much of the discourse on this issue has been
rhetorically flawed, I still felt it had both substance and worth. Had the
principality thread not begun, my lady and I would not have been enticed
back into activity. Moreover, even in the disagreements on this issue, I
believe I have found some new friends.
Disagreements are a natural and healthy outgrowth of discourse. We all need
to remember that a response criticizing the logic and rhetoric of a posting
DOES NOT address the character of the author. If, for example, any of the
postings in response to my input to the principality discussion were in any
way mean spirited or bitter, I am unaware of these sentiments. To my
recollection, everyone posting on this matter behaved most honorably and in
accordance with what they perceived to be the Kingdom's best interests.
As for new people seeing these postings; I believe they would probably
notice that we were discussing a matter relavent to the growth and health of
our kingdom. Why should we be ashamed of our enlightened self-interest?
Until another opportunity to express said enlightened self-interest arises,
I remain
Yours in e-Service
Sir Lyonel Oliver Grace
Dennis G. Grace
Postmodern Medievalist
Assistant Instructor
Division of Rhetoric and Composition
University of Texas at Austin
For every wight that lovede chivalrye
And wolde, his thankes, han a passant name,
Hath preyed that he myghte been of that game.
--Jeff Chaucer's Knight (obviously describing the SCA)
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